
20 random posts : : my dream job

This is my number 4 post in my 20 random posts series.  As I mentioned in the last one, number 3 was "talk about how you met your spouse/significant other", so I had to skip that one.  So I guess there'll actually be only 19 of these posts.  Oh well. :)

Anyhow, #4 is "if you could have any dream job, what would it be?"  Let's get to it!

Obviously, if I could have any job in the world, I would want to be rich and carefree and sit around eating bonbons all day.  Ha!  What a waste of time that would be.

My dream job is to be a missionary teacher at an orphanage in India.  For some reason, India has always fascinated me.  I can't really explain it, except that there is a great need for people to get over there and start sharing the gospel.  With over 1.2 billion people, widespread poverty, a crippling caste system, and the largest concentration of Hindus in the world (over 900 million compared to about 70 million Christians), the need is great.  Over 88% of the population in India is still unreached.  And as my desire is to work with children, specifically orphans, India is perfect for me: out of about 400 million children under the age of 15, over 35 million of these are orphans--the largest number of orphans in a single country in the world.

It's kind of overwhelming!  But when I look at those numbers I have to remind myself that the Lord Himself fashioned every one of those 1.2 billion people, and He holds each of them in His hand.

So, my dream job is to serve India in some way, specifically the orphaned children.  And beyond all that, I would like to personally found an orphanage in India at some point in my life so that, by God's grace and strength, I'll be able to meet the needs of more and more children.  Who knows if and when that will happen, but He can do anything!

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 1:27

* To learn more, go here!


tammy said...

Can we go to?! We pray for your future & that God will use you in a might way! What a great way to serve Him by caring for orphans!

PrincessR said...

Very good dream job!! Or maybe it will be a job in the future- not just a dream!!

Never doubt God's ability to get you from here to there using the oddest of ways. He is truly amazing.

I will be praying that if this is where God wants you that it will happen. But if it isn't, that He would give you plenty of opportunities to serve Him where you are. :)

So good to see you tonight, friend!!


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